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Sunday, 2 July 2017

Almost a month post surgery

Well it's 3.5 weeks since surgery and sadly I did get another seroma, and sadly I'm still leaking from my scar. The hole is tiny and can't believe it just won't heal. I'm taking arnica and using inadine patches to try to speed it up, will try anything now. I need to be able to go in the sea and pool on my holidays in 3 weeks.

My plastic surgeon says I now have enough fat on my belly to make new boobs, so I'm now waiting for a CT scan to see if the blood vessels in my belly are suitable for the surgery. I have a tattoo on my belly which will end up on my one boob, which will look nice I think. Once this surgery is finally done I can get my 3d nipple tattoos and put this whole journey behind me once and for all!

I've gone back to musical theatre, dancing and singing, and I'm loving it so much. I really have missed it over the last few years. I'm in the ensemble for 'Rock of Ages' in October this year. So I can lose a bit of weight, but not too much, so my surgeon gave me permission to eat cake hehe. Hope you're all having a lovely summer.