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Sunday, 18 March 2018

3 weeks post surgery

It's been 3 weeks since my emergency surgery and I've healed well, I'm still in a bit of pain but no worse than my right side which is stuck to my breast bone. I will continue to massage as that helps, but I could do with a longer massage every day to help. My hands and wrists end up aching, it's harder to massage your own chest than you'd think. No rude boob comments please I'm flat and have no nipples.

I'm back to work tomorrow so I've been trying clothes on to see what looks ok now I'm flat. Lots of my dresses have breast darts in them, so until I can bare to wear a bra with my knitted Knockers I can't wear them.

Knitted Knockers I hear you laugh, but I love them, so much better than chicken fillets (prothesis)  they are so light, look just as good and wash well too. I have just received my aqua ones ready for my holiday in May to Turkey.

I still can't kneel down on my right knee either and it's been 13 weeks since that surgery, hope I can soon, I have so much gardening to catch up on when spring finally arrives.

My mental health has had a little improvement with my new medication, hoping  getting out and about again helps even more. Being completely flat hasn't helped at all though, but I keep telling myself I'm alive and that's all that matters!

Thank you Mom, Dad, Lynda and Andy for my flowers  Xxxx

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