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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Pain, meds and a bit of fun!

Well it's been 3 weeks since my last post, so I thought I'd better do an update.

It's now 7 weeks post Oophorectomy and I am well and truly over that, shame I can't say the same about everything else eh!

I've been off Anastrozole for 3-4 weeks now, and the thoughts in my head are sky high and the pain is no less, so I've decided to go back on them as it obviously not them!

There are 3 types of pain that I have, one I've had 8-9 years which is called Fibromyalgia (Fibrous tissues), and I had that under control to the point where I only used lidocaine patches occasionally. That was before cancer, my doctor has now put me on Pregabalin as I refused point blank to go back on Gabapentin, which made me gain 3 stone all those years ago. Yes I'm back where I was all those years ago weight wise, but this time due to cancer, eating normal (because my Oncologist got me sorted on sickness meds) and no exercise (due to being in so much pain).

The second pain is my breast/side/back pain due to capsular contracture in both breasts, I have grade 3 in the left and grade 4 in the right. It sounds like cancer all over again! Cancer the gift that keeps on giving! Also the pain is due to the ports as I've mentioned before. So on the 30th September I will be having them exchanged yippee! It can't come soon enough, I just want it over and done with. I want to be fully better before the other big C later this year and have a great 2017!

The third pain is my bone pain , which I've had for months now and I don't understand what is causing it! I've had 3 sets of bloods done over last few months and they show a high 'C reactive protein' and a high' Plasma viscosity'. The reason why so many blood tests is due to surgery as that can cause high levels too. I had my latest bloods done on Friday and I'm back to see my GP on Wednesday to discuss the results and hopefully have an answer. It's something to do with inflammation and I'm hoping it's just inflammatory disease in response to my recent surgery.

Pain medications I currently take:
Lidocaine patches

Surely this is not right, even if I am in agony and awaiting surgery!

Think I'll wean myself of them slowly.

The week off with my Mom here in Sunny Rutland was one of the best weeks I've had in 18 months, it was the first time she had been here since cancer diagnosis that I could actually go out and about, but lucky for me she can drive and has a blue badge, otherwise it would have been impossible! I've been to a few local parties and had a visit from my brothers. Oh and I've just baked some apple & cinnamon cake, might take some to work tomorrow...if I have any left! ;-)

Anyway I've gassed on enough. TTFN xx

A fancy dress birthday party.

Mom & Me :-D

My new sunnies :-)

One of a few short walks I've managed :-)

My prince has returned :-)

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