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Monday, 21 December 2015

The side effects of cancer medication

My new medication has come with a lot of side effects, but my GP told me to bear with them for 2 weeks as they would go. I'm currently struggling with a very fuzzy head all morning (so i don't feel safe to drive), nausea, pain and anxiety. I really hope they work and kill 5 birds with 1 stone! My hot flushes are back and worse than ever, so fingers crossed these new meds do help that too.

I read this article and resonated with most of it:

Also sad news for one of our fellow cancer ladies, RIP Ally xx

#‎chemo‬ this Xmas? You can do it! ‪#‎chemothenandnow‬ ‪#‎solidarity‬ ‪#‎bbb‬ ‪#‎breastcancer

Beautiful flowers from Bex, thank you xxxx

Beautiful gift from Nikki, thanks you xxxx

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