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Monday, 12 November 2018

Surgery day +5

I'm feeling a little better each day, I managed to stand and shower myself today, even with two of these drains and the fact that I can't stand up straight yet. Still sat in dressing gown though getting my strength back.

The bruising is coming out a lot now on my chest and tummy. But I'm so happy with my new boobies, they look the best they've looked for 3 years. My 4th pair of boobies are a triumph. Can't wait for my 3D nipple tattoos next year.

Had a lovely visit from my parents and brother Barry yesterday afternoon for a few hours. Thank You Mom and Dad and thank you Lynda & Andy for my lovely gifts.

Hopefully going home tomorrow, can't wait missing my doggies so much, but then again I have to step into the bath to shower which I'm dreading. Have a good week everyone xx

Mom and Me

Dad and Me

Brother Barry and Me

I have a few blisters on my body  thankfully only 1 is visible! 

Looking sexy as usual! 

Last day with 4 drains! 

Curry mmm

Jacket spud mmm

Meatless balls with roasts and veg...very odd  

Another curry mmm

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