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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Chemo day 19

Chemo Day 19
Got my blood tests done at my GP surgery in the morning, they'll be with the Oncology department by tomorrow, so I'll find out if my blood cells are built back up enough for me to have my 2nd chemotherapy on Friday, fingers crossed. (Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with tumours.) The nurse checked my scars as I was worried they may be infected as still very sore, but all is ok there.

Sadly todays' plastic surgeon appointment didn't go as I'd hoped, after all the pinching of every fatty area I've not got enough fat anywhere for any procedure using my own fat and muscle to reconstruct new breasts. I really wanted reconstruction with my own fat. Only option is silicone for me...gutted! feeling sad.
My new hat

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